But we don't actually have an office. drimworks was established during the economical crisis in 2009 and aiming to keep costs low we abandoned the idea of an office. Our success is based on the creation of a team of young talents and professionals who will work tireless for your project giving the best results possible.
drimworks came to life 11 years ago and even though it is my dream job, the name itself comes from my surname.
My experience in production goes back to 1992 when I took my first job in Greek television at the first ever studio game show and involved computers presenting graphics live on tape. From then on I have worked and mastered every aspect of filming, production and post production, while I have directed my own studio show for 3 years and 400 episodes.
By having created thousands of tv commercials, numerous tv shows, made over 10 main title sequences for dramatic series and the cinema, I can assure you you are in good hands.